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New Member Special

New Member Special Monthly Rates

Full Memberships includes Golf, Cart, Range, Simulator, Tennis, Pickle Ball, Social Activities, Pool and Dining.

Family 40 and overSingle 40 and overFamily 39 and underSingle 39 and under

1st Year$220.00$145.00$145.00$100.00

 2ndYear $284.50$190.00$190.00$125.00

3rd Year$349.00$235.00$235.00$150.00

4th Year$413.50$280.00$280.00$175.00

5th Year$478.00$325.00$325.00$200.00

Dining or Social Memberships





YearlyOut of Town (must live 90 miles away) Extra Fees apply for golf, pool, and tennis courts$45.00

To calculate family rate add your age and spouses age and divide by 2.

You must add 7% sales tax to monthly amount above.

The Club reserves the right to adjust dues. Members will be notified 30 days in advance of any such adjustment. If you reach the age of 40 for single or spouses combined age divided by 2 reaches 40, you will be moved to the 40 and over pricing.